Monday, May 19, 2008

At Last -- Here I GO!

After a few days' delay, due to Gmail's "disabling" me, I'm ready to rock 'n roll.
The assignment is to give feedback on the "7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners". In all honesty, I currently can't remember them....I listened to the tutorial a week-and-a-half ago! I remember that the narrator's voice was annoyingly monotone. And I remember thinking that most of those habits are either common sense, or I've been practicing them for many years. Of course, I can certainly improve my learning habits, so I PROMISE that I'll go back to the tutorial and listen to it again. What's interesting is that, at my daughter's recent Brigham Young University commencement, the keynote speaker emphasized the importance (and the joy) of "learning to love learning", and continuing to love it throughout our lives.

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