Thursday, May 29, 2008


I enjoy blogs. My husband & I have a blog which he maintains, for the most part; I make my additions as I feel like it, AND whenever I can get some computer time from him! (He gets home from work before I do....).

I also just got a Shuffler iPod for my birthday, and so am working a little on it, and downloading some favorite music. I feel that I'm making s-l-o-w progress, but at least it's progress!

Another challenge for 2008 is for me to copy our home videos onto DVDs. We have the equipment, but taking the time to read the instructions (and to translate them into physical tasks to accomplish my ends) is the HUGE hurtle!!!!!

Beyond that, my technology interest is to better-organize all my family history research, while continuing to DO research online. All this is quite an overwhelming project. Doable (I keep telling myself....).

As I read over this post, I see a lot of EXCUSES! Am I a negative person????? Or just a busy one?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mont St. Michel

I've always been fascinated by Mont St. Michel -- never been there, but perhaps someday. It's just such a COOL phenomenon! The tide comes in, and you're swimming over to the rock! I've heard that horses have been drowned in the tide. Oooh! And how many PEOPLE have drowned?! ;) Morbid, maybe, but fascinating.
Anybody reading this ever visited Mont St. Michel?

'Nother update...

Just so all you throngs of peepers, er, people know, I DID keep my promise and viewed/listened to the 7 1/2 habits thing again. Same reaction. Correction, tho: The narration wasn't monotone as I'd remembered it previously; it was more like this young woman wasn't enunciating. Regardless, her voice was annoying. DON'T GET ME WRONG....she's probably a really intelligent, sweet person. 'nuff of this....
Yesterday: GREAT to see you, Marianne and Melissa and Mimi (the 3-Ms). [Sorry I missed seeing you, Erik and Vicky.] 'Twas a good YS meeting, all y'all. Wish I'd been in town to attend the poetry fest in April....It sounded WONDERFUL. I love children's poetry, anyway.

Monday, May 19, 2008

How Blogging Can Be Used in Libraries

What a great way to share ideas and library innovations quickly!! No need to send emails with attachments. No need to wait for the latest ALA weekly or monthly publication (even online). It's all right there in a professional-looking template! Pictures, captions, explanations, at a glance.


OK. So, in my last blog, I didn't say what my biggest challenge will be with this "exploration". My fear is that I'll MISS some cool stuff that can be done, i.e. I'll not be aware of its existence. I tend NOT to click on every clickable icon on a page, mostly because I don't want to take the extra time to explore. Very busy woman, I am....Perhaps it's time for a little more exploration!

At Last -- Here I GO!

After a few days' delay, due to Gmail's "disabling" me, I'm ready to rock 'n roll.
The assignment is to give feedback on the "7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners". In all honesty, I currently can't remember them....I listened to the tutorial a week-and-a-half ago! I remember that the narrator's voice was annoyingly monotone. And I remember thinking that most of those habits are either common sense, or I've been practicing them for many years. Of course, I can certainly improve my learning habits, so I PROMISE that I'll go back to the tutorial and listen to it again. What's interesting is that, at my daughter's recent Brigham Young University commencement, the keynote speaker emphasized the importance (and the joy) of "learning to love learning", and continuing to love it throughout our lives.