Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Feelings about Web 2.0

I've been learning some new things about what's available on the internet through this "tutorial". HOWEVER, it's been frustrating trying to 1) find the project time to do it, and 2) avoid the many distractions in the work area. Just when you're gaining enthusiasm for a lesson, you get an interruption, or the hour is up, and you must go to another area of the library.
In MY case, I began "23 Things" as a displaced OBB Youth Services staffer assigned to RPB Circulation. Now, I've been re-assigned to HRR Circ., where there weren't any working computers available to most of the staff for the first week (not to mention the volume of work to be done here. Ergo, time lost to work on "23 things".
I truly wish that I'd had more time to explore these things. I really had no concept of the wonderful sites available to us all. Perhaps sometime soon, before I forget too much about them,I'll find time at home to pursue some of my favorites.

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