Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This has been a worthwhile 9-weeks. I loved the "generators" week. That was fun. (And informative.) It's nice to know what all those "RSSes" mean when you're looking at different websites. Of course, this last week with "audiobooks" has helped me on a personal level, considering that I'd been wanting to download some books recently. It's nice to know more about "wikis", beyond just Wikipedia!
I already have my own family blog, but these exercises gave me more insight into what can be done with blogs in the work environment. So, yes, this was beneficial. And yes, I would participate in another discovery program.


This was a very beneficial exercise, because I'd been wanting to download audiobooks to my iPod Shuffle. I DID, however, discover that I must use iTunes to transfer OverDrive's MP3 files to the Shuffle, rather than use their usual "Media Console Transfer Wizard." Good to know. I look forward to trying this out when I get the time.
For now, I listened to a PRIDE AND PREJUDICE excerpt. It's nice to have excerpts available, to see if you like the narrator's voice and style.
Cool! I'm glad our library website has this so easily available.


I didn't have a lot of time to explore the podcasts. Nevertheless, it's good to know these directories exist. News to me....
I chose NPR, and went to their "NPR Columns: Books We Like" for my RSS feed. Obviously, this book review feed would be valuable in a library setting.

Monday, July 14, 2008


I've seen YouTube videos numerous times over the past several years, usually because a friend had forwarded them in an email. Or my husband had found a good comedy video while playing on YouTube. I'd never taken the time before to explore it. Nice to know that there are so many categories available; I chose EDUCATION this time. And I found a spotlighted video, less than 2 minutes long, entitled "The Life of Henry David Thoreau." Quick biography, but it had some good photos.
I also was interested in the "non-profit" portion, and found videos made by "Friends of the Earth" and the "Asia Society." Interesting. This could definitely be used on the library website. Some of these videos would be difficult to find elsewhere.

Web 2.0 Awards List

Didn't even KNOW they had an "awards list"! Good to know that.
I chose the site, "My Heritage", since genealogy is a love of mine. It was pretty elementary, but the tabs make it easy for a user to navigate around the site. There is a special tab just for photographs, which is a nice touch to anyone's family history. As far as application to a library setting, I think that it would be a wonderful site to introduce in a workshop, particularly with youth - to help them get started in recording their family history, and feeling a part of that heritage. Beginning adults, also, would benefit from the simplicity of this site. It makes family history seem exciting and state-of-the-art. Eventually, of course, users would need to include research from some of the other sites, such as Ancestry.

Zoho Is Cool

Yep. I like the idea of having one's documents available in places other than one's own PC. Makes it tres convenient. Zoho is user-friendly, too. I think it's something I can use in the future.

Week 7 Finally Continues!

I've forgotten much of what I did with "23 Things" over the past couple of weeks....It's difficult to find time to do this when you're participating in the opening of a new library!
Anyway, it was easy to add my blog to the FAVORITE BLOGS page -- clicking, highlighting, etc. Now, I must go on to weeks 8 and 9....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This was a pretty cool exercise. Previously,I'd only been aware of Wikipedia. I liked the look of the Bull Run Library wiki, but that one seemed more like a website than a wiki. I really liked the "Best Practices" wiki. It was succinct, and it had that marvelous tab for comments. Someone mentioned, on one of these wikis, that they are great for sharing library ideas, experiences, successes, etc., which I think is a great thing. There's really no reason for any of us, in this awesome information age, to allow our libraries to be way back in the 20th Century, now is there?

Feelings about Web 2.0

I've been learning some new things about what's available on the internet through this "tutorial". HOWEVER, it's been frustrating trying to 1) find the project time to do it, and 2) avoid the many distractions in the work area. Just when you're gaining enthusiasm for a lesson, you get an interruption, or the hour is up, and you must go to another area of the library.
In MY case, I began "23 Things" as a displaced OBB Youth Services staffer assigned to RPB Circulation. Now, I've been re-assigned to HRR Circ., where there weren't any working computers available to most of the staff for the first week (not to mention the volume of work to be done here. Ergo, time lost to work on "23 things".
I truly wish that I'd had more time to explore these things. I really had no concept of the wonderful sites available to us all. Perhaps sometime soon, before I forget too much about them,I'll find time at home to pursue some of my favorites.